The World Has Eyes
Is your kid a skin plucker, nose picker, shirt chewer paper eater, nail bitter, or any other creative habit they have come up with that takes care of some sensory need but grosses out other children. "The world has eyes" , is an example of a simple phrase that parent can use to short circuit a behavior that you have tried to eliminate with criticism, lectures and extended verbal arguments. Don't waste your time and get off track. Go right to the truth about their behaviors which they think are invisible to others. if you can see it, everyone can see it. if everyone can see it then the secret is out. They therefore need to be extra vigilant. they also need to replace that behavior with another. snapping a rubber band instead of skin of hair pinking, chewing on a specialized Occupational therapy chew toy can work. taking regular relaxing breathes can help calm them, substitution and short circuit the anxiety and acting out with a certain item.
good luck. look for weekly parent tips. email me with any further questions.